I used to pay $10 for this drink at a health food store, but now I make it myself. My home version costs a lot less, and is even healthier. Usually, I make it with avocado so it’s essentially sugar free, but if I’m feeling like a rascally little monkey, I’ll use a banana instead.

Ingredients for one nice smoothie:

  • 2 fistfuls chopped kale
  • 1 big stalk celery
  • ½ cucumber
  • 1 banana OR ½ avocado
  • ½ C almond milk
  • Water as needed


  • Blender


  • Combine all ingredients and blend until smooth, adding water by the tablespoon if necessary to make your desired consistency.


  • When you think about smoothies, avocados may not come to mind. But they add a delectable creaminess, and are an amazing source of protein, lecithin (a brain food), and good fat.