If we want to be truly healthy, one of our priorities needs to be getting the right physical activity into our lives. But what’s “right”? I think it’s any movement you take pleasure in doing, not something you feel obligated to do. When we feel pressure to exercise, we can end up forcing ourselves into strenuous and unenjoyable activity that pushes our bodies into “survival mode.” Instead of being beneficial, this type of activity actually produces negative stress and can make it more difficult to shed excess weight. Talk about a good thing gone bad!
Adequate movement and moderate exercise that we look forward to infuses our bodies with joyful effort and “happy hormones” that help keep us fit and trim, build good digestion, and keep bad moods at bay. Depending on what you like to do, a regular combination of stretching, walking, dancing, boxing, gardening, rowing, yoga, weight-lifting, playing with your dog or kids, hiking, team sports, or any other physical movement can provide all the activity you need in a fun way that’s easy to stick with. If you don’t already have a movement routine you enjoy, we’ll explore options you can start experimenting with right away.